Viber Pay transaction statuses - Philippines
View all your Viber Pay transactions in one place in the Recent activity section on your Viber Pay home screen.
View transactions
To see a list of your transactions:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Viber Pay
- Tap View all in the Recent activity section
Transaction ID
Your transaction ID is displayed in the transaction details of your payment or Add money activity (tap on the transaction to view the details). Use this ID if you contact Support and need to identify your transaction.
Received status
A Received status next to a transaction indicates that you received a payment. You’ll also see this status next to successful Add money transactions.
Sent status
A Sent status next to a transaction indicates that your payment was successful and received by your contact.
Pending status
You’ll see the Pending status in the following cases:
- A bank transfer that you made hasn’t been completed yet. Please check again in a few days to ensure the transaction was successful
- A payment you sent hasn’t been received yet because the person you sent money hasn’t activated their Viber Pay wallet
In this case, you will also see how many days the person has left to activate their Viber Pay wallet before the transaction is canceled and the money is returned to you.
In progress status
You’ll see the In progress status when a transaction you made hasn’t been completed yet due to possible connectivity issues. In this case, we recommend:
- Do not ‘kill’ the app, as the transaction may be canceled
- Do not try to send the same transaction twice to avoid being double charged, as the app has already received it.
- Check again in a few minutes to see if the transaction was successful, and only try to send the same transaction again if you see that your previous attempt has a Failed
Failed transaction
There are several reasons why your transaction might have Failed :
- You had a poor internet connection when you attempted to send the payment
- The payment details you entered are incorrect
- You don’t have enough funds in your bank account or Viber Pay wallet
- The person you tried to send money to has already reached their payment limit
- The person you tried to send money to has blocked you
- The person you tried to send money didn’t activate their Viber Pay Wallet within 7 days of receiving notification of your payment, so the transaction was canceled
- The payment service provider has refused the transaction
Unable to find a transaction
If you received a notification for a Viber Pay transaction and can’t find it, the sender may have canceled it while it was still pending.
This scenario is only possible if you received the notification for a payment before you activated your Viber Pay wallet.