Trusted flaggers: how to report content
The EU Code of Conduct aims to prevent and counter the spread of hate speech online. It's important for Rakuten Viber to support this conduct, thereby maintaining a safe environment in which our users communicate.
Reports by Trusted flaggers will be prioritized by our team.
Where to look for hate speech
Reports can only be made regarding content found on public communities and channels.
Required information
You can report the community/channel as a whole or just the malicious message. Either way, in your report, you will need to include a screenshot that contains the following information:
- The message containing hate speech
- The name of the community/channel
- The name of the sender (as seen in the community/channel)
- The date and time the message was sent
- Please include the date in the report notes if it's not visible in the screenshot
We also require the invite link to the community/channel. If you received the report from a member of the community/channel, please ask them to provide you with the link.
To find the community/channel invite link:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community/channel for which you need an invite link
- Tap on the name of the community/channel at the top of the screen
- Tap Invite
- Tap on the Share button at the top of the screen
(Android) or
- Tap Copy to add the link to your clipboard
- Paste the link into the Trusted flaggers report
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a channel for which you need a link
- Click on the Share
button at the top of the screen
- Click on the Invite URL to copy the link to your clipboard
- Paste the link into the Trusted flaggers report
Trusted flaggers report
Once you have all the information, you can submit a Trusted flaggers report. Our Support team will reply within 24 hours to confirm that your report was received.
After the report has been processed, the message may be removed, and the community/channel may be blocked.