Commenting in a channel/community
Allow members to comment on messages:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a channel/community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap the name of the channel/community at the top of the screen
- Tap Enable comments
- Use the toggle to set the default state of comments to enabled
or disabled*
- In communities, if the default state is Enabled, comments can also be disabled by the message sender (including regular members) on a per-message basis.
Note: A superadmin can override the default comment state on a per-message basis by long-tapping the relevant message and selecting Enable/Disable comments.
*Disabling the feature will not delete existing comments.
Once you enable commenting, members will see a Comments button underneath each message. A New comment icon will appear next to the message when new comments are made.
Admins and superadmins can long tap on a member’s profile picture (next to their comment) to see the following options:
View: See member’s details.
Remove from channel/community*: The member will be removed from the channel/community; however, they will be able to rejoin through an invite link.
Ban*: The member will be permanently banned.
Delete all: All comments made by the member to a specific message will be deleted.
To remove a single comment, long tap on the comment and tap Delete.
To learn more about channels, take a look at our dedicated Channels knowledge base for admins article. More information about communities can be found under the Communities knowledge base for admins or members articles.