Deactivate or uninstall Rakuten Viber on your phone
Uninstalling Rakuten Viber can help you resolve some issues that you may be experiencing with the app, while deactivating Rakuten Viber will permanently delete your account.
Please read this entire article to see whether you should deactivate or uninstall Rakuten Viber and to understand the consequences of doing so.
To uninstall or deactivate Rakuten Viber on your desktop, please review our dedicated article.
Uninstall vs. deactivate Rakuten Viber
The following is a breakdown of the main differences between uninstalling and deleting Rakuten Viber off your phone.
- Uninstalling Rakuten Viber is not the same as deactivating your Rakuten Viber account. Your Rakuten Viber account will be deactivated through uninstalling only if you do not reinstall it (on your primary device) within the subsequent two weeks. Your account may be deactivated if you do not log into Rakuten Viber (on your primary device) for twelve consecutive months.
- If you have active subscriptions (like Viber Out or Viber Plus), other time periods will apply as set forth under the “Rakuten Viber Credits Specifications” clause of Rakuten Viber's Terms of Service (for more info, click here).
- If you are a Viber Pay user, be advised that in order to deactivate your account you will have to clear your Viber Pay balance first.
Uninstall | Deactivate |
Removes Rakuten Viber from your phone. | Closes your Rakuten Viber account permanently. |
Won’t remove or deactivate Rakuten Viber from other devices, including desktop and tablet. | Deactivates Rakuten Viber on all your devices, including desktop and tablet. |
Deletes call and chat history.* | Deletes all your profile data from our servers (i.e., profile details and contact list) and your phone (i.e., call and chat history).** |
Won’t delete your scheduled messages in communities and channels. | Will permanently delete all your scheduled messages in communities and channels. |
Won’t remove you from groups, communities or channels. | Removes you from groups, communities, and channels. |
Will neither remove nor cancel your Viber Out plans or credit. | Will remove your Viber Out credit; however, will not cancel your Viber Out plans. |
Won’t remove sticker packs that you have downloaded; however, some may not be available again after reinstalling Rakuten Viber.
Will remove all sticker packs. Sticker packs that you purchased can be restored if you activate Rakuten Viber again using the same Google Play/App Store ID. |
Won’t delete Rakuten Viber backups saved to Google Drive or iCloud. | Won’t delete Rakuten Viber backups saved to Google Drive or iCloud. |
*Back up your chat history so that you can restore it if you choose to install Rakuten Viber again.
**Back up your chat history so that you can restore it if you choose to reactivate Rakuten Viber again on your Android (with the same Google Drive account that you backed up to). If you deactivate Rakuten Viber on an iPhone you will not be able to restore your account again.
NotesIf your Rakuten Viber account is connected to a Rakuten account, deactivating Rakuten Viber won't remove you from any Rakuten services. If you want to deactivate your Rakuten accounts as well, please contact Rakuten support.
Viber Out
Uninstalling or deactivating Rakuten Viber will NOT cancel your Viber Out plan. To stop recurring charges, you will need to cancel your plan manually.
If you subscribed to a Viber Out plan:
- Through Google Play or Apple’s App Store, you need to cancel the subscription through them.
- Using your credit card, you should cancel the plan BEFORE you uninstall/deactivate Rakuten Viber. Please contact us if you uninstalled/deactivated Rakuten Viber and didn’t cancel your plan.
Learn how to stop recurring charges in our dedicated guide to canceling a Viber Out plan.
World credit
Uninstall Rakuten Viber: Your credit will still be available on your Viber Out account after you uninstall Rakuten Viber.
Deactivate Rakuten Viber: Your credit will be permanently removed if you deactivate Rakuten Viber.
Uninstall Rakuten Viber
If you plan on reinstalling Rakuten Viber, you should backup your chat history so that you can restore it later.
To uninstall Rakuten Viber from your phone:
- Find the Rakuten Viber icon on your phone’s home screen
- Tap and hold the Rakuten Viber icon
- Tap App info
- Tap Uninstall
If you want to reinstall the app, please follow the instructions in our Set up Viber on your phone article.
*Uninstall instructions may vary between Android phones.
- Find the Rakuten Viber icon on your phone’s home screen
- Tap and hold the Rakuten Viber icon
- Tap Remove app
- Or tap the ‘x’ that appears in the top corner of the icon if you have an older version of iOS
If you want to reinstall the app, please follow the instructions in our Set up Viber on your phone article.
Deactivate Rakuten Viber
If you plan on using Rakuten Viber again on your Android, we recommend that you backup your chat history so that you can restore it later (from the same Google Drive account that you backed up to). If you deactivate Rakuten Viber on an iPhone you will not be able to restore your account again.
To deactivate your Rakuten Viber account:
- Open Rakuten Viberon your phone
- Tap on More
- Tap on Settings
- Tap on Account
- Tap on Deactivate account
- Enter your phone number
- Tap on Deactivate account again
- If you have a PIN enabled, you will be asked to enter your PIN
- Tap Deactivate to confirm
You can also deactivate your other devices using your phone. Please refer to our Deactivate or uninstall Viber on your desktop article for further information.
To deactivate other devices remotely:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on More
- Tap on Settings
- Tap on Account
- Tap on Desktop and tablets
- Select the device on which you want to deactivate Rakuten Viber
- If you have a PIN enabled, you will be asked to enter your PIN
- Tap Deactivate