Communities knowledge base for admins
Want to create a group with up to 1 billion members? Start a community!
This article is intended for community admins. For a general overview of communities from a member’s point of view, see the following article: Communities knowledge base for members.
A comparison of member vs. admin vs. superadmin privileges is available at the end of this article.
Set up
A community is a set of people with a particular interest in common. Unlike groups, which are usually reserved for people who know each other, communities often welcome people from around the world and can have up to 1 billion members.
Communities also have advanced moderation features, including admins' ability to ban members, remove content sent by other people, and only permit messages sent by other admins.
For more information on the type of content permitted in communities, please review Rakuten Viber’s Acceptable Use Policy. Communities that don’t adhere to the guidelines may be closed.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Tap on Compose
- Tap on New community
- Tap Add a name* and enter the name of your community
- Mandatory step
- Tap Description and enter a description
- Optional step
- Tap on the Camera
to add a community icon
- You can either take a new photo or select one from your gallery
- Optional step
- Tap on the Checkmark
to confirm in the top corner
- Select the contacts* you would like to form a community with
- IMPORTANT: Any contacts that you add at this stage will automatically become admins
- To share your community link with non-Rakuten Viber contacts, tap on Share
- Tap on the Checkmark
in the bottom corner
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Tap Compose
- Tap New group
- Select the contacts* you would like to form a community with
- IMPORTANT: Any contacts that you add at this stage will automatically become admins
- Tap Next
- Tap on community
- Tap on Name your community* and enter the name of your community
- Mandatory step
- Tap Description* to enter a description, then tap Save
- Optional step
- Tap on the Camera
to add a community icon
- You can either take a new photo or select one from your gallery
- Optional step
- Tap Done to confirm
- Tap on Compose
- Tap on Community
- Enter a community name (mandatory), icon (optional), description (optional), and select the contacts you wish to invite (must select at least one contact)
*If you send the invite to a group, channel, or another community, all members will receive an invite to your community.
Only superadmins can change the community name:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap on the Pen
(top corner)
- Tap on the current community name under the community icon
- Enter a new community name
- Tap the Checkmark
(Android) or Done (iOS) to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on the current community name under the community icon
- Type in a new community name
- Click on the Checkmark
to confirm
Only superadmins can change the community icon:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on community info
- Tap on the Pen
(top corner)
- Tap the Camera
- Choose a community icon from either your Gallery
or by taking a photo with your Camera
- Tap done once you select an image from your gallery
- Tap and scroll to reposition the preview box over the part of the image that you want to use as your community icon
- To resize, pinch the image to zoom in and out (iOS only)
- Tap Save to confirm or Discard (Android), or Done to confirm (iOS)
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on the current community icon above the community name
- If you haven’t chosen a community icon yet, you will see an image placeholder
- Select an image that is already saved on your computer
- Click on the preview box and move it over the part of the image that you want to use as your community icon
- You can resize the preview box by clicking and dragging the corners of the box
- Click Done
- To change the image, click Select new
- To exit the creating a new icon flow, click on the X
The Description section is the place to describe your community, post community rules, and add links to your website/other social media platforms.*
*Only superadmins can update the description section.
To update the community description:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Add description (underneath the community icon)
- Enter a description
- Tap the Checkmark
or Done to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- In the About section, click on the Pen
- Enter a description
- Click on the Checkmark
to confirm
Change the community chat background to personalize the community experience for your members.
*Only superadmins can change the community chat background.
To change the community chat background:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on community info
- Tap on Background
- Choose the community chat background from either
- Rakuten Viber’s gallery (Android)/Background gallery (iOS)
- An existing picture in your photo album
- By taking a photo with your camera
- Confirm once you have chosen your background picture
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Community background
- Select a photo from Rakuten Viber’s gallery
- Click Set community background
Grow your community
Unlike groups, you can’t add new members to communities (unless they have you saved as a contact); you can only send people invites. To join a community, the person will have to accept the invite.
To send an invite:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community
- Tap on Invite
to select the Rakuten Viber contact(s) you’d like to invite. Tap on Share
(iOS) to invite non-Rakuten Viber contact(s)
- Tap on the Checkmark
(Android) or Invite (iOS) to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community
- Click on Invite
(top corner)
- Select to whom you would like to send an invite (contacts, groups, communities)
- Click Send
Community invite links make it easy for admins and members to invite people to the community. Superadmins have complete control over who has access to the links and can also disable invite links if they end up in the wrong place. To turn off members’ ability to share the invite link, please read the (Dis)allow members to invite new members section.
To invite members using a link:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select the community for which you need a link
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Share community link
Choose from one of the options:
- Invite via Rakuten Viber (Android)/Send via Rakuten Viber (iOS): Select contacts, groups, and communities to share your community invite link with
- Copy link: Copies the link to your clipboard. You can now paste the link onto your website, embed it in a QR code, and more.
- Share link: Share your community link outside of Rakuten Viber. If someone who doesn’t have Rakuten Viber opens the link, they will be prompted to download the Rakuten Viber app (only Rakuten Viber users can join communities on Rakuten Viber)
Toggle Allow all members to share to allow all community members to share the community link.
Tap Disable link to disable the current community link and to create a new one, then tap OK to confirm. Contacts with the old community link will not be able to join and will need to be sent the new link.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community for which you need a link
- Click on the Share
button at the top of the screen
- Click on the Invite URL to copy the link to your clipboard
To invite members using a link:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community for which you need a link
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Invite
- Tap on Share
(Android) or
(iOS) at the top of the screen
- Tap Copy to copy the link to your clipboard
From this screen, you can also share the invite link with a contact or app outside of Rakuten Viber.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community for which you need a link
- Click on the Share
button at the top of the screen
- Click on the Invite URL to copy the link to your clipboard
Public communities can be found and joined by any Rakuten Viber user who searches for keywords in a community’s name and description. To become a public community, please contact us.
Rakuten Viber offers a variety of opportunities for businesses that want to see their communities GROW.
Benefits may include:
- Promotional stickers - our team will work with you to design a sticker pack. People who download the pack will automatically be added to your community
- Become verified
- verified communities are trusted more by Rakuten Viber users
- Go public - Rakuten Viber users will be able to find your community using Search
- Landing page - we’ll create a landing page for your community on the platform
Take a look at our Rakuten Viber for business page for more information.
Admins and superadmins
Superadmins have the ultimate control in a community. They can promote members to different roles, generate (and change) the invite link, turn various permissions on and off for all roles, and more. For further information, please refer to the Superadmin, admin, and member privileges table.
If you create a community, you will automatically become the superadmin.
Superadmins can promote an admin to the superadmin role. If you want to make a general member of the community a superadmin, you will need to add them as an admin first.
Once someone is a superadmin, they can demote you to admin, remove you from the community, and make other changes to community settings.
To promote an admin:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap on the admin you want to promote
- Tap Add as superadmin
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Hover over the admin that you want to promote
- Click Add as superadmin
Any superadmin can demote another superadmin to the role of admin. This action will remove their ability to manage various permissions in the community; however, they will still be able to moderate, i.e., ban and remove members, post in the chat, and remove messages.
To demote a superadmin:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap on the superadmin you want to demote to admin
- Tap Remove as superadmin
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Right-click on the superadmin you want to demote to admin
- Click Remove as superadmin
You can also demote yourself by following the same steps.
If the sole superadmin leaves a community without promoting another member to the superadmin role, the community will be left with zero superadmins. This allows one admin to assign the role to themself. Once the superadmin role has been filled, no other admins can become a superadmin unless the new superadmin promotes them.
To establish yourself as the new superadmin of a community without an existing superadmin:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap Add me as superadmin
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Right-click on your name
- Click Add me as superadmin
Although they have less control of the community settings than a superadmin, admins play an important role in moderating and creating content for the community. Some of their default permissions include banning members, deleting messages, and pinning messages to the community chat. For more information, please refer to the Superadmin, admin, and member privileges table.
Superadmins can promote a member to be an admin, giving them a number of new permissions.
To promote a member:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap on the person you want to promote
- Tap Add as admin
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Hover over the person that you want to promote
- Click Add as admin
Superadmins can add someone directly as an admin, even if they aren’t yet a community member.
To add an admin:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Next to Members, tap on Add admins
- Select the person(s) you would like to make an admin(s)
- Tap on the Checkmark
(Android) or Done (iOS) at the top of the screen to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Add admins
- Select the person(s) you would like to make an admin(s)
- Click Add
Only superadmins can demote admins to regular members. To demote an admin, please follow the steps below:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap the relevant community
- Tap the community name at the top
- Tap the user you would like to demote
- Tap Remove as admin
Superadmins and admins can create an alias for their profile picture and name to protect their privacy when posting in a community. If a member contacts an admin with an alias, their chat will display the admin’s actual Rakuten Viber profile details.
Tip: Ask all the admins to use a single custom alias or the community details if you want your content and moderation to appear as if they’re coming from the same source.
To set an alias:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Find Alias
- Tap Set alias
- Select your alias
- Default - your current name and picture on Rakuten Viber
- Community - the community’s name and icon
- Custom - a different name and picture
- Tap Set alias
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on Set alias
- Select your alias
- Default - your current name and picture on Rakuten Viber
- Community - the community’s name and icon
- Custom - a different name and picture
You can use a custom alias if you don’t want to reveal your identity or use the community’s profile details. A custom alias can also be used temporarily (for example, if you want a holiday-themed display picture) or if the admins need to display a distinct name or picture so that members can differentiate between them.
To create a custom alias:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Find Alias
- Tap Set alias
- Select Set new alias, or tap on the Pen
if you want to change an existing custom alias
- Tap the Camera
- Choose from where you would like to source your picture
- Your Gallery
- Take a photo with your Camera
- Use your current Rakuten Viber photo
- Your Gallery
- Confirm your choice
- Tap on New alias, or your existing alias name
- Type in a name
- Tap Set alias
Once your alias is created, you can select it from the alias options and tap Set alias, or choose another option.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on Set alias
- Select your alias
- Select Create new alias, or click on the Pen
if you want to change an existing custom alias
- Click on Select new image
- Select an image that is already saved on your computer
- Click on the preview box and move it over the part of the image that you want to use for your alias picture
- You can resize the preview box by clicking and dragging the corners of the box
- Click Done
- Click on New alias or your existing alias name
- Type in a name
- Click Create alias
At the moment, there is no way to close a community; however, superadmins have the following options:
- Ban or remove all members of the community manually
- Demote all other admins and superadmins and turn off members’ ability to send a message to ensure that no one else can use the community.
- Disable the invite link so that new members can’t join the community
- Delete all messages manually (tip: use Delete all from user) to erase the chat history
Change member permissions
Superadmins can control who can send messages in the community chat.
To change writing permissions:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Member privileges
- Select which admins can send a message in the community
- Select if members who aren’t admins or superadmins can send a message in the community
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Manage privileges
- Select which admins can send a message in the community
- Click on the toggle next to All other members to allow
members who aren’t admins or superadmins to send a message in the community
Superadmins can choose if they want to allow members to send links in the community.
By disabling this feature, any messages sent by members that contain a link (including phone numbers and email addresses) will be displayed in plain text. This means that the link won’t be tappable, and the preview thumbnail won’t be displayed.
Admins and superadmins will continue to be able to send links.
To change link-sending permissions:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Member privileges
- Use the toggle next to Can send links to allow
members to send links in the community, or disable
the option
Superadmins can choose if they want members to be able to invite people to the community or if they want to keep that privilege for superadmins and admins only.
To change invite permissions:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Share community link
- Use the toggle to allow
members to share the community invite link and invite new members, or disable
the option
If you disable the permission to invite, your invite link will also change automatically.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on Manage privileges
- Use the toggle
to allow members to share the community invite link and invite new members, or disable
the option
Superadmins can disable a community invite link to stop people from using it to join the community. Once a link is disabled, a new link will automatically be generated, which you can use to invite new members.
Remember to update your invite link if you display it in places such as your website or on social media.
To disable an invite link:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Share community link
- Tap Disable link
- Confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are a superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click on Community link
- Click Disable link
- Click OK
As an admin, you are responsible for creating content for your community and moderating your members.
Content moderation: Your content should adhere to Rakuten Viber’s Acceptable Use Policy. If your members find your content inappropriate, they can report the community, which may lead us to close your community. For more information, please refer to Rakuten Viber’s Terms of Service.
Member moderation: If a member acts inappropriately, you have the right to remove or ban them from your community.
New members can see the entire chat history of a community once they join it, allowing them to easily catch up on all messages previously sent in the community.
A pinned message* will always stay at the top of your community chat screen. Tapping/clicking on the message will bring your members directly to the message in your chat.
*Only admins and superadmins can pin a message.
To pin a message in your chat:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone/desktop
- Tap on Chats
- Tap on Chats
- Select the community in which you would like to pin a message
- Long tap/right-click on a message
- Select Pin
You can only have one pinned message at a time. Pinning a new message will unpin the previous message.
Only superadmins can enable comments by default. To enable comments for a specific message:
- Long-tap the message you wish to turn comments on for
- Tap Enable comments
Only community superadmins can set the default comment state to Enabled. To do so:
- Tap Info (Android) or the community name (iOS)
- Tap Enable comments
Yes. Superadmins and the message sender can disable comments for messages.
To do so:
- Long-tap the message you wish to disable comments for
- Tap Disable comments
Note: Superadmins cannot override a message sender’s decision to disable comments.
Polls are a fast way to find out what community members want/think.
To create a poll:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone or desktop
- Tap on Chats
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Select the Poll
icon at the bottom of the screen
- Type in your question in the Ask a question field
- Type in possible options in the Add option fields
- Scroll down and select the Plus
button to add more options (up to 10 in total)
- You can move the position of the options by tapping/clicking on the Reorder
icon and dragging it up or down
- Scroll down and select the Plus
- Select Create at the bottom of the page
Community members will select an option by tapping/clicking on the heart at the end of the option’s line. They can also change their response by tapping/clicking on another option.
The poll results are displayed with the number of votes under each heart, the total number of votes at the bottom of the poll, and as a percentage of all votes under each option.
- Once you create a poll, neither you nor other community members can add more options
- It isn’t possible to see individual responses, i.e., what answer each member chose
Unlike polls, quizzes have a correct answer and can only be answered once by each community member.
To create a quiz:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone or desktop
- Tap on Chats
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Select the Poll
icon at the bottom of the screen
- Tap/click on the toggle
next to Quiz mode (the lightbulb
will change color to indicate quiz mode)
- Type in your question in the Ask a question field
- Type in possible answers in the Add option fields
- Select the Plus
button to add more answers (up to 10 in total)
- You can move the position of the answers by tapping/clicking on the Reorder
icon and dragging it up or down
- Select the Plus
- Select the correct answer
- Optional: add an explanation for the answer
- Select Create at the bottom of the page
Community members can select their answer by tapping/clicking on the heart at the end of the answer line. If their answer is correct, they will see a green tick; if their answer is wrong, they will see a red cross. If available, the explanation of the answer will be shown after an answer is submitted. Once submitted, answers cannot be changed.
Superadmins and admins will always see the percentage of people who selected each answer, while members will only have this information after submitting their answer. The number of members that participated in the quiz can be seen at the bottom of the poll.
It isn’t possible to see individual responses, i.e., what answer each member chose.
Find out who has seen messages sent to the group and if they have reacted to them.
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a group
- Long tap on a message
- Tap Info
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a group
- Right-click on a message
- Click on Info
The first tab displays who has seen the message (or “stats” for admins/superadmins). Select the other tabs to see who has reacted to the message.
Please note that every group member can see reactions and 'seen' timestamps for each message.
Detailed lists of reactions are only kept for 14 days. Beyond that, you will only be shown the number of users who have seen the message and the reactions it received (number per reaction). In addition, detailed lists will not be available for reactions once any counter is over 100.
Community insights* show you detailed information about your community members and how your content is being engaged with. For more information, please refer to the Community insights article.
*Community insights are available only to superadmins of Public communities.
Admins and superadmins can moderate the community by deleting messages sent in the chat.
To delete a message:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Long tap on the message you want to delete
- Tap Delete
- Tap Delete message
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Right-click on the message you want to delete
- Select Delete from the list of options
- Click on OK
To delete all messages sent by a member, tap/click Delete all from user in the last step.
- An admin can’t delete another admin’s messages
- A superadmin can delete anyone’s message, including another superadmin’s
Did a member of your community win a prize giveaway? Are they misbehaving? Do you want to tell a member that they are being promoted to admin? Contact them!
You can contact your community members safely (without revealing your phone number or theirs) to tell them a message in private. Please note that admins with an alias set will expose their Rakuten Viber name and profile picture when they send a private message.
To contact a member:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community
- Tap on the profile picture of the person you want to contact
- Tap Message (name of member)
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, select the person you want to contact
- Tap Message (name of member)
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community
- Click on the profile picture of the person you want to contact
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Hover over the person you want to contact
- Click on the Call
or Message
If a member has chosen not to accept private messages, you won’t be able to contact them.
If a community member isn’t abiding by the rules, you can remove them. However, they can rejoin the community via an invite link. To permanently remove someone from the community, you need to ban them.
To remove a member:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap on the member you want to remove
- Tap Remove from community
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Right-click on the member you want to remove
- Click Remove from community
- Members: Can be removed by admins and superadmins
- Admins: Can be removed by superadmins
- Superadmins: Can be removed by superadmins
Banned members will be removed from the community and won’t be able to rejoin, even if they try to use an invite link. Once you ban someone, a Banned users list will be created, which you can use to unban members.
To ban a member:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Under Members, tap on the member you want to ban
- Tap Ban (name/phone number of member)
- Tap Ban again to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Members
- Right-click on the member you want to ban
- Click Ban (name/phone number of member)
- Tap Ban again to confirm
- Members: Can be banned by admins and superadmins
- Admins: Can be banned by superadmins
- Superadmins: Can be banned by superadmins (available only on iOS. If you’re using an Android or desktop, you will first need to demote the superadmin to admin before you can ban them)
When a member is banned, they will be added to the Banned users list. Use this list to see who is currently banned and also to unban members.
To unban a member:
- Open Rakuten Viber on your phone
- Tap on Chats
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Tap Info
(Android) or the name of the community (iOS) at the top of the screen
- Android: tap on Community info
- Tap Banned users
- Tap Edit
- Android: Tap on the X next to the person you want to unban. Tap Okay to confirm
iOS: Tap on the Minus
next to the person you want to unban, and then tap on the X. Tap Okay to confirm
- Open Rakuten Viber on your desktop
- Select a community in which you are an admin or superadmin
- Click on Info
- Click Banned users
- Click on the X next to the person you want to unban
- Click Okay to confirm
- Unbanning a member won’t add them back into the community; they will need to join again using an invite link or be added by another member/admin
- Members who were previously admins/superadmins won’t have their role reinstated if they join the community again (unless they are promoted)
Superadmin, admin, and member privileges
Mobile view: please scroll across to see admin and member privileges.
Privilege | Superadmin | Admin | Member |
Edit the community name | X | - | - |
Edit the community icon | X | - | - |
Edit the community description | X | - | - |
Change the community background | X | - | - |
Privilege | Superadmin | Admin | Member |
Send a message/create a poll | X | X* | X* |
Delete messages | X | X | - |
Turn on/off members’ permission to write | X | - | - |
Turn on/off admin’s permission to write | X | - | - |
Pin/unpin messages | X | X | - |
Access to detailed message statistics | X | X | - |
Access to community insights | X | - | - |
*Available unless a superadmin turns off the privilege.
Privilege | Superadmin | Admin | Member |
Add admin | X | - | - |
Promote member to admin | X | - | - |
Demote admin | X | - | - |
Remove admin from the community | X | - | - |
Ban admin | X | - | - |
Promote admin to superadmin | X | - | - |
Demote superadmins | X | - | - |
Remove superadmin from the community | X | - | - |
Ban superadmin | X | - | - |
Set an alias | X | X | - |
Privilege | Superadmin | Admin | Member |
Invite new members | X | X | X* |
Access to invite link | X | X | X* |
Turn on/off members’ access to invite link | X | - | - |
Disable and change invite link | X | - | - |
Remove member from the community | X | X | - |
Ban/unban members | X | X |
- |
*Available unless a superadmin turns off the privilege.